Don't you have control on your temper ? 

Do you get angry in couple of seconds on small topics ,here's solution for you . 
    I am one of them who had temper issue, this really ruin happy moments of life .

1. Use the language which you feel difficult to speak in a flow .

The biggest benefit of using language which you feel difficult to speak is while you are framing sentences , finding appropriate words for the sentence in your mind as the time passes and framing the sentences your temper decreases. Thus it ultimately diverts your mind .

2. Wash you face with cold water .

Washing face with cold water makes your mind cool , relief stress which ultimately reduces your anger .

3.hold a pencil in your mouth .

Hold a pencil in your mouth between your teeth when you are anger reaches to next level . This will resist your tongue from saying things which you may regret afterwards ( abusive words ) . This too reduces your anger and help you to calm down.

4. Lay down .

When ever you are in a fight are feeling angry just lay down , it has been believed that you don't feel to fight and don't feel  angry when you lay down try it . 
      It is some what true because sleeping position is a position where you generally don't feel stress or get into a fight . 

5. Ignore arrogant and annoying people .

Ignore arrogant people who don't give good vibes , don't try to approach them . If they approach you then try to shorten the conversation . If they annoying you just answer them with single words ( hmm , ohh , ohk , yess , noo , etc. ) 

6. Drink water .

Drink ample of water ( mix cold and normal water ) . By drink water , your body will get hydrate which will give you energy to think and peace of mind , which will help you out to reduce your anger .




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